At Deeper Dive Wellness, we explore many different avenues toward wellness, dependent on your individual needs. Our approach first and foremost is holistic in nature taking into consideration the varied platforms of your health that are specific to your body and lifestyle.
Reproductive Organ Mobilization or Gynvo-visceral Manipulation is a safe, gentle and naturally minded manual approach for women facing fertility challenges, experiencing pelvic pain, recovering from gynecologic surgery and having undergone traumatic birthing experiences.
Specifically, Gyno-visceral manipulation is a deep, visceral manipulation technique in which the reproductive organs are stimulated, blood flow is promoted and any restrictions surrounding the ovaries and uterus are encouraged to soften and be relieved of tension. This facilitation of blood flow and movement mobilizes the ovaries, uterus and and surrounding structures to enhance their natural function and optimize their reproductive health.
The goal of this manual pelvic work is to decrease adhesions in and around organs, ligaments, muscles, joints, and support structures of the pelvis, abdomen, hips and low back.
Meredith will assess, evaluate and determine whether or not this technique is suitable for you.
Gyno-Visceral Manipulation
Areas of Focus:
Poor/Low Ovarian Reserve/High FSH
Secondary fertility issues
(such as c-section scar tissue)
Uterine Fibroids
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Pelvical Surgical Scar Tissue
Pelvic or hip injury
Sexual Function
Please refer to the following scientific studies supporting the support and effectiveness of Visceral Manipulation:
Top 5 Reasons for
Gyno-visceral Manipulation:
Gyno-Visceral Manipulation is NATURAL.
No drugs, no needles, and no compromise to the integrity of the body or reproductive organs. This approach is a gentle and practical external manipulation of the ovaries and uterus that restores mobility and blood flow to the reproductive organs thus optimizing their function.Gyno-Visceral Manipulation is EFFECTIVE.
This approach has proven results in achieving conception, reduction of pain due to scar tissue and adhesion, endometriosis, PCOS, sexual trauma, and much more.Gyno-Visceral Manipulation is SAFE.
This approach has little to no side effects! A little tenderness may result otherwise this work is completely non-invasive to the patient.Gyno-Visceral Manipulation is GENTLE.
It is a slow and methodical manipulation of the uterus, ovaries, and surrounding structures of the pelvis.Gyno-Visceral Manipulation is AFFORDABLE.
Whether pursuing the Pre-Conception Planning Offering or individual Therapy sessions, this approach is a fraction of the cost of visits to a clinic that may involve large out-of-pocket expenses, co-pays, medications, and/or time off from work.
Top 5 Conditions Gyno-Visceral
Manipulation Can Help With:
INFERTILITY: Why a woman is struggling to conceive is often very much a mystery. Everything can appear normal, be functioning normally, and yet nothing is happening. Gyno-Visceral Manipulation stimulates blood flow and circulation to the ovaries and uterus. The reproductive organs could quite possibly be mal-positioned, lacking adequate blood nourishment, or have pelvic adhesions creating an obstruction. The fallopian tubes may need some blood flushing or the ligaments in the pelvis could be short, tight, or out of balance preventing optimal function of the reproductive system. This manual medicine helps to facilitate the best function of the uterus and ovaries.
ENDOMETRIOSIS: A woman suffering from Endometriosis (tissue that grows or transplants itself outside of the uterus on other structures of the body) often experiences terrible pain and discomfort, especially around her menstrual cycle. This can cause painful adhesions, scar tissue, and a number of other issues that can affect a woman's quality of life especially if she is trying to conceive. Gyno-Visceral Manipulation breaks down these adhesions, reduces scar tissue, and creates fresh blood flow to the uterus and ovaries thus greatly reducing discomfort and keeping her pelvis free-flowing and balanced.
PCOS: This condition is rather dynamic with many factors involved. Gyno-Visceral Manipulation helps to break down cysts on the ovaries, scar tissue or adhesions around the ovaries, and increase circulation to the ovaries, uterus, and surrounding structures.
ANNOVULATION: This issue involves the absence of ovulation. This manual medicine stimulates the ovaries, increasing the circulation to these organs "waking them up" and bringing them back into balance and proper positioning.
AMMENORRHEA/DYSMENORREHA: This condition involves either the lack of a period (amenorrhea) or a painful period (dysmenorrhea). Gyno-Visceral Manipulation helps to mobilize the uterus, stimulate the endometrial tissue and move fresh blood flow to the uterus. Actively working on the ovaries stimulates these organs to get their function moving and flowing. A painful period could mean a uterus is working very hard to expel menstrual blood and needs some mobilization. It could mean the uterus has tension and is not receiving adequate blood flow; there could be cysts. The position of the uterus may not be optimal; this approach helps to soften the tissue, encourage new blood to nourish the reproductive organs and ultimately bring harmony to the pelvis.