Support and Encouragement
Support and Encouragement are critical during this journey toward parenthood. It is really difficult to place hope and faith in the intangible. The waiting can be excruciating and doubt can be all-consuming. I've included some of my favorite You Tube links that have helped me personally with my own growth and spiritual perseverance!
I hope you hear something that encourages you and or lightens your spirit

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
When fear knocks, send faith to answer.
Do your best with worry: Worry is the anticipation of a negative outcome. Instead, make positive affirming statements to yourself that encourages self love and encouragement. Remember the facts. Remember how healthy and competent your body is. Remember you are taking pro-action to become pregnant. Remember you are not broken. Remember one day at a time.
Fear can take hold and take your mind and spirit to dark places. Light drives out the dark. If you do not have an immediate source of support, check out one of the links below.
Tools for Support
Books + Websites:
On Fertile Ground ~ Healing Infertility by Helen Adrienne
Inconceivable by Julia Indichova
The Fertile Female by Julia Indichova
Real Food for Fertility by Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE
Period Repair Manual, by Lara Briden